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Headed by the VRU, partnered by the Met Police and heads of community safety across London, digital tools were researched, developed and successfully tested.

The origianal Serious Incident Manager is available for free to London’s Local Authorities, and on a user licence basis across the rest of the UK.

We have now turned our attention to helping venues protect their visitors and comply with Martyn’s Law, which is expected to become law later this year.

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London.

“London is one of the safest cities in the world. Despite this, serious violence is still a significant issue.

There is a huge cost to individuals, families and communities through the loss of life and the trauma caused by both physical and psychological injuries suffered.
As Mayor of London, I am determined to lead from the front in tackling this problem - with a focus on both arresting violent offenders and tackling the root causes. But I can't do this alone.
I am committed to working with partners to break the cycle of violence. I have already implemented a range of strategies, initiatives, and interventions to address this issue. I have also committed to developing resources to help other partners get involved.
The Serious Incident Manager is an essential tool. It aims to connect the people who respond to serious incidents and reduce the impact on our communities.”

“The VRU was set up to bring together specialists from health, police, local government, probation, and
community organisations to tackle violent crime and its underlying causes and increase feelings of safety in our city.

SIM is one of the first digital systems created by the VRU. I hope that you find it useful, and I look forward to working with you to develop our public health approach to tackling violence in London.”

 Lib Peck, Director of Violence Reduction Unit.

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