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Developed by the people that use it


In 2018, the Violence Reduction Unit at the Mayor’s Office commissioned research to find out what help could be given to the people that respond to serious incidents.


The brief was to find out who in London was doing great, innovative work and compile best in class information into a toolkit for everyone to use. 

A steering group of Heads of Community Safety was set up and fact-finding sessions were held all over London with people from every area of incident response. We consulted with as many groups as possible including safeguarding, ASB, probation, early help, strategic partnerships, youth engagement, youth and family resilience and the Metropolitan Police. The output of this comprehensive piece of work was the initial toolkit with an online version.


The first Serious Incident Toolkit and online version.


During this research stage, consistent problems surfaced that were common across London. Simple solutions to these issues were worked though with digital consultants to develop mobile app features. Any digital solution needed to work in a way that would fit in to working practices and be simple to use.  



With the expert help of our steering group, the universal response protocol was developed along with simple but powerful communication tools. 

We successfully piloted the Serious Incident Manager system in Waltham Forest in November 2021 with more boroughs coming online during 2022.





Developed by the people that use it


In 2018, the Violence Reduction Unit at the Mayor’s Office commissioned research to find out what help could be given to the people that respond to serious incidents.


The brief was to find out who in London was doing great, innovative work and compile best in class information into a toolkit for everyone to use. 

A steering group of Heads of Community Safety was set up and fact-finding sessions were held all over London with people from every area of incident response. We consulted with as many groups as possible including safeguarding, ASB, probation, early help, strategic partnerships, youth engagement, youth and family resilience and the Metropolitan Police. The output of this comprehensive piece of work was the initial toolkit with an online version.


The first Serious Incident Toolkit and online version.


During this research stage, consistent problems surfaced that were common across London. Simple solutions to these issues were worked though with digital consultants to develop mobile app features. Any digital solution needed to work in a way that would fit in to working practices and be simple to use.  



With the expert help of our steering group, the universal response protocol was developed along with simple but powerful communication tools. 

We successfully piloted the Serious Incident Manager system in Waltham Forest in November 2021 with more boroughs coming online during 2022.



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